Horse (26-11-2023)

Horse Form at around 2m 43y in Chases

Engagement Horse Wins Runs SR% P&L
(13:55 Punch) Lucid Dreams 2 2 100
(13:55 Punch) Francin 0 5 0
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Horse Form Left Handed over Jumps

Horse Form at around 2m 7f 70y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 2m 3f 150y in Chases

Horse Form at around 2m 2f 40y in Hurdles

Horse Form on Heavy over Jumps

Horse Form Right Handed over Jumps

Horse Form on Soft over Jumps

Horse Form on Soft/Heavy over Jumps

Horse Form at Punchestown in Chases

Horse Form at Punchestown over around 2m 3f 150y in Chases

Horse Form on Good to Soft over Jumps

Horse Form at around 2m 2f 111y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 2m 161y in Hurdles

Horse Form at Punchestown in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 2m 4f in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 3m 100y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 3m in Chases

Horse Form at Exeter in Chases

Horse Form at Exeter over around 3m 54y in Chases

Horse Form at Punchestown over around 3m 100y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 2m 5f in Chases

Horse Form at around 2m 3f 207y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 3m 54y in Chases

Horse Form at Punchestown over around 3m in Chases

Horse Form at around 2m 5f 137y in Hurdles

Horse Form at around 2m in Hurdles

Horse Form at Exeter in Hurdles

Horse Form at Uttoxeter in Chases

Horse Form at around 2m 190y in NHF races