1st Time (24-04-2017)

Trainer 1st Run in a Turf Handicap

Engagement Trainer W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Galuminous (19:55 Navan) Brendan Duke 6 - 65 (9.23%) 6 65 9.23 2.9 2.1
3.6 £8.68
Breathoffreshair (17:10 Ponte) Richard Guest 9 - 126 (7.14%) 9 126 7.14 6.1 1.5
1.4 -£32.25
Lightening Fast (19:25 Navan) G M Lyons 26 - 197 (13.2%) 26 197 13.2 19.9 1.3
2.1 £58.74
True Romance (17:40 Ponte) James Given 22 - 314 (7.01%) 22 314 7.01 21.1 1.0
0.0 -£48.49
Buccaneers Cove (17:10 Ponte) Richard Fahey 98 - 878 (11.16%) 98 878 11.16 96.2 1.0
0.0 £85.61
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