Trn Jky (17-04-2024)

Trn/Jky Combination at Kempton on the AW

Engagement Trn/Jky W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Mbappe (18:00 Kemp) Daniel Mark Loughnane / Billy Loughnane 7 - 32 (21.88%) 7 32 21.88 2.9 2.4
6.3 £35.23
Hatadora (18:00 Kemp) Richard Hannon / P J Dobbs 8 - 50 (16%) 8 50 16 5.2 1.5
1.6 £8.79
Golden Myrrh (18:30 Kemp) Ralph Beckett / Rob Hornby 19 - 92 (20.65%) 19 92 20.65 12.9 1.5
3.4 £26.68
Kind Of Blue (17:30 Kemp) James Fanshawe / Daniel Muscutt 22 - 117 (18.8%) 22 117 18.8 17.7 1.2
1.2 -£0.8
Big R (19:30 Kemp) Eve Johnson Houghton / Charles Bishop 15 - 118 (12.71%) 15 118 12.71 13.0 1.2
0.3 -£11.42
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