Jockey (30-01-2023)

Jockey Form at Hereford in Chases

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Eaton Collina (15:35 Here) Richard Patrick 7 - 20 (35%) 7 20 35 3.6 2.0
4.1 £11.96
Moriko De Vassy (15:00 Here) Aidan Coleman 4 - 10 (40%) 4 10 40 2.1 1.9
2.1 £24.12
Hooligan (15:00 Here) Jonathan Burke 4 - 20 (20%) 4 20 20 2.7 1.5
0.7 £12.08
Risk D'Argent (13:50 Here) Jonathan Burke 4 - 20 (20%) 4 20 20 2.7 1.5
0.7 £12.08
Interne De Sivola (13:50 Here) David Noonan 3 - 13 (23.08%) 3 13 23.08 2.3 1.3
0.2 -£2.84
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