Trainer (27-09-2022)

Trainer Form in NHF races

Engagement Trainer W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Big Gangsta (16:30 Sedge) James Moffatt 8 - 40 (20%) 8 40 20 2.9 2.7
9.6 £139.3
Gentle Slopes (16:30 Sedge) Milton Harris 18 - 79 (22.78%) 18 79 22.78 10.8 1.7
5.5 £47.52
Thirsty Weather (16:30 Sedge) Peter Niven 3 - 35 (8.57%) 3 35 8.57 2.5 1.2
0.1 -£11.01
Burrows Light (16:30 Sedge) Sue Smith 4 - 70 (5.71%) 4 70 5.71 4.2 0.9
0.0 -£13.23
Getabeau (16:30 Sedge) Chris Grant 3 - 86 (3.49%) 3 86 3.49 3.6 0.8
0.1 -£51.77
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