Jockey (01-06-2020)

Jockey Form at Newcastle on the AW

Engagement Jockey W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Harbour Of Grace (18:15 Newc) Jimmy Quinn 4 - 27 (14.81%) 4 27 14.81 2.4 1.7
1.2 -£0.98
Mister Blue (18:15 Newc) Callum Shepherd 8 - 50 (16%) 8 50 16 5.2 1.5
1.7 £19.08
Hatheem (18:15 Newc) Jim Crowley 16 - 41 (39.02%) 16 41 39.02 10.5 1.5
3.8 £19.01
Thibaan (17:40 Newc) Jim Crowley 16 - 41 (39.02%) 16 41 39.02 10.5 1.5
3.8 £19.01
Financial Conduct (17:05 Newc) Jim Crowley 16 - 41 (39.02%) 16 41 39.02 10.5 1.5
3.8 £19.01
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Jockey Form on LTO Winners on the Flat