1st Time (19-04-2019)

Trainer 1st Run in a Turf Handicap

Engagement Trainer W R % Exp A/E Chi P&L
Robert L'Echelle (14:55 Bath) Hughie Morrison 65 - 420 (15.48%) 65 420 15.48 43.2 1.5
12.2 £222.66
Given Choice (16:35 Bath) Simon Crisford 14 - 60 (23.33%) 14 60 23.33 11.2 1.2
0.8 £4.81
Pablo Escobarr (14:55 Bath) William Haggas 146 - 748 (19.52%) 146 748 19.52 128.8 1.1
2.8 £172.01
Salute The Soldier (15:30 Bath) Clive Cox 41 - 402 (10.2%) 41 402 10.2 43.4 0.9
0.1 -£103.06
Blood Eagle (14:55 Bath) Andrew Balding 69 - 660 (10.45%) 69 660 10.45 75.3 0.9
0.6 -£60.7
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